First Step

Fastest way to use Taxtris service

Quick integration is the fastest way to provide Taxtris service to your customers.

With this type of integration, you can

  • integrate in one week
  • use only 2 API calls
  • use Taxtris skinnable Tax center as a frontend for your customers

Generate an API key

Contact Taxtris team in order to access the latest instructions on how to generate an API key.

Only 2 API calls

To facilitate the integration in only one week you have to use only 2 API calls.

  1. Initialize customers
  2. Generate access token

After the customer is initialized you can generate a one-time token and forward the customer to our customized tax center via a simple URL redirect.

Customer Tax Center

Instead of making the tax center in your system, you can use our fully customizable Customer Tax center.
With our one-time token, customers don't have to create or remember login credentials.
They just click on a link and land on the Tax Center dashboard.

Even if you are missing some of the customer information required for tax calculations Customer Tax Center provides a way to fill it in manually by the customer.